Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Sure who would have thought starting a business was difficult?!!


Holy moly what a ride so far, 7 months in and although seem like 7 weeks, but what we have learned has made it seems like years in another way. When Paintclub announced it’s closure, Lorraine and I had to do very quick and risky decision making. We knew we had a lot of the practical knowledge of the running of a similar company but we were akin when it came to the business side…i.e not a bloody clue.

Family came first, the serious conversation had to be had before we jumped in. I know Lorraine had the backing straight away from her wonderful hubby and kids. Lorraine is a trojan worker and works around the clock, they wanted to see that she could be appreciated for all she does. Most of my lot said it was a no brainer, and I would regret if I didn’t. My youngest was apprehensive that I would never be free, so to this day I have taken that on board and try to be as aware as I can.

Not all, but most creatives don’t like figures, don’t like the “grown up” stuff. Both were in the same financial situation, basically we had none, we both have a paycheck-to-paycheck situation. Rosie in Dublin thankfully agreed to stay on as our Dublin artist and our wonderful assistants stayed loyal to us even though we had no idea what way things would go.

We joke we need to do business for dummy’s course in a few years, stumbling through this part is an understatement. I think the accountant underestimated how clueless we were/are, even though we warned him to talk to us, like we are 5. We did things kinda backwards. Most people start a business with a plan, an account, gather the info first, know what kind of business it will be etc. We knew if we spent the time doing these things that our regulars and already existing viewers would wander off so we hit the ground running.

The plans in our heads are many, people are begging for online and this is a priority. I just haven’t slept in 7 months! I even did a course dressed as beetlejuice while opening the door to trick or treaters! The business so far has tipped away, and I do believe we are on the right track. I was warned that you will be struggling and not able to pay yourself properly for a long time and they were correct, it is terrifying. If I only half liked what I do, I would throw the towel in right now but I…we, absolutely, love, love what we do. On the grounds of sounding cheesy, it is because of the customers. I take a day to come down from the adrenaline rush of the buzz of chatting and laughing with everyone. My heart bursts when someone who thought they would in no way be able to do a painting, leave with such pride on their face. I feel like everyone’s mammy.

For anyone ever contemplating a business, my saving graces to get even this far with any bit of sanity were talking to people who have businesses, ask the stupid questions, ask what not to do. The Irish are mighty and only dying to help and for me , the women around me have been outstanding. Giving advice, contacts and connections. Next and I can't emphasis this enough. Local Enterprise Office , Leo for short… wow. Cork in particular have so many courses, clinics, and conferences. Where I live I have the advantage of being in the catchment area of all the Cork Leo centres. Most courses are free , some a small fee like €10 . Mentors that will sit with you and outstanding online and in person advice clinics on anything from marketing, accounts, seo’s, meta, social media, business planning. The networking is invaluable, and I have learned, everyone is in the same boat, all paddling in choppy waters, co-ordinates a bit dodgey but heading somewhere exciting.  

                                                                                                                                      Love Sinead

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